by Angel Lord » 26 Oct 2012, 23:59
Abattoir : 3 way fight, would split the fire power of the team heavily.
Grange : 3 floor barn, not many bad things to say bar the multiple spawn areas inside it that would need to be covered.
Cabane : Too open really. Husks would have a field day.
Petite maison : My favourite, weld one door and have a support specialist cover it, rest cover the other door. Only problem is if a scrake or a fleshpound decide to party among us.
Pecheur : Same for Abattoir, bar that one way can be welded.
Maison : Only really done the roof, yet to try and camp inside the bedroom. Need to try it, but it seems possible. same bad side for the Petite Maison though...
Garage : Two ways, and then they tend to ignore the door after welding it if you stay by the car inside the garage.
Well... thats my thoughts, though im a noob when it comes to this stuff.