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Carby (Recruitment)

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2012, 18:14
by Carby
1 / What is your steam username? Carby

2 / Where do you live? New York, United States

3 / How long do you play Killing floor? 120 Hours Approximately

4 / How did you meet the PIOB? Joined in on what was a PioB server, met and played with PioB. 'Sid

5 / Why do you want to join the PIOB? Since Sid is the clan founder and he was unbelievably cooperative during gameplay, I feel as though joining a killing floor-based clan would be more than necessary if all players are that nice (especially since I've been looking for one for awhile now..)

6 / Have you already played on our server ([Klean the Floor] Hell on Earth - PioB.' / NO NOOBS) ? I have, I can't remember the name of it though.

7 / A few lines about you? (your age?, your hobbies?) Well my real name is Justin, you can call me J, Carby, or just anything that suits your needs! I have a unhealthy obsession with Killing Floor and I don't plan on helping towards a cure anytime soon. Some hobbies that I partake in are snowboarding (which is my LIFE, besides videos games and my girlfriend), and hopefully boxing. I am 16 - soon to be 17 in October. I hope to jump right on the bandwagon and get along very well with everyone in PioB, this is all very exciting to me and I'm glad to be part of the team. :D

Re: Carby (Recruitment)

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2012, 20:02
by SiD
Hi Carby :)

Thanks for your message. There are 3 founders (Kukrapok, Phenzix and me). However, there is not really a leader in the clan.
You will quickly see that we are caring a lot about the teamplay. There is no place for "ramboing" and playing away from the squad in Killing Floor, if you see what I mean ;)
Every member is caring about the others, healin' each others, sharin' cash asap, ...
Communication is the key to victory. So we're always using some Voice over IP software like TeamSpeak. We will give you our TS server's IP and password later :)

Unfortunately, there are a lot of "Carby" on Steam so, could you give us a link to your steam profile or add some of us as friends ?

Re: Carby (Recruitment)

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2012, 20:38
by Carby
Can do Sid, here is the link to my steam account:
I shall be friend requesting some members of the team rather shortly, and I guess I shall be saving towards a mic for TeamSpeak! :) Thanks for the reply.

Re: Carby (Recruitment)

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2012, 22:35
by Phenzix
Hey man! Welcome :)

Nice to see a "Stater" here :D

As SiD said, yeah, we enjoy co-op gaming, even if we sometimes troll (especially Darth Vader), but you'll get used to it quickly enough I guess haha! I hope you're not allergic to French, not all members are bilingual (but most of them are, no worries! :D)

By the way, I wonder how high your ping is on our server, isn't it slightly inconvenient??

See you soon!

Re: Carby (Recruitment)

PostPosted: 19 Jul 2012, 13:55
by Flamouze
New York :o

Welcome :)

Re: Carby (Recruitment)

PostPosted: 19 Jul 2012, 15:28
by Carby
Thank you everybody for supplying me with a warm welcome to the team :D I appreciate it greatly!

Re: Carby (Recruitment)

PostPosted: 19 Jul 2012, 15:51
by NightSon
Welcome ! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
pleased to meet you !

Re: Carby (Recruitment)

PostPosted: 19 Jul 2012, 16:32
by zbouex
Welcome Carby !! :D

Re: Carby (Recruitment)

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2012, 19:36
by Vegekai
Welcome Dude ! I don't speak English very well so it's hard to speak with me sry ^^ But Welcome

Re: Carby (Recruitment)

PostPosted: 22 Jul 2012, 02:34
by VenømFragma
Hi and welcome to the PioB clan dude.

Re: Carby (Recruitment)

PostPosted: 22 Jul 2012, 02:43
by Truie

Re: Carby (Recruitment)

PostPosted: 22 Jul 2012, 07:53
by Carby
Thank you to all :) and sorry for not being able to get on much as our time zones vary here in the US.. I've been a busy, busy man this pack week!