Teamdeathmatch sur KF

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Teamdeathmatch sur KF

Postby Impulse » 04 Oct 2012, 22:47

source: ... hp?t=42247

en suggérant un mod PvP a la sauce Cs mais pour KF un membre de ce forum ma donné ce lien. Le mod existe apparement déjà.

I wrote 2 different game modes:

You spawn in a random point of a normal KF map with default weapons (knife/9mm/syringe/welder/1 grenade) and your objective is to find and kill other players. Throughout the map random weapon/ammo/armor pickups will appear and from time-to-time a random trader door will open. The winner is whoever gets the most kills (eighter when timelimit runs out or someone reaches goal score).

Team DeathMatch
This is a more of a Counter Strike gameplay; 2 teams, round based gameplay. All team members spawn in same spot, the spawn point is the safe zone aswell as shopping area for first 30 seconds of the round. You earn cash from killing enemies and being on the winning team. The team that won most rounds be the end of timelimit or goal team score, is the winner.

This mod has also full bot support (however they are pretty easy yet), to add or remove bots from in game type in console command:
AddBots <number of bots>
KillBots <number of bots>
example, to add 4 more bots to the game: AddBots 4

Download from here:
- Unzip ALL files to killingfloor\System folder.

I implemented 2 batch files to easly start the game in offline mode to play vs bots:
StartDM.bat - Begin DeathMatch on Manor.
StartTDM.bat - Begin Team DeathMatch on Manor.

As for multiplayer, it's best to setup Voting GameConfig for those gametypes and enable map vote.

Please report here any bugs or suggestions.
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Startup game and bring down console and type in:
Open KF-Manor?Game=KFDeathMatch.KFDM
Open KF-Manor?Game=KFDeathMatch.KFTDM
The hit Enter and play.
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